Rose Garden Ironing Board Cover

15” x 55”

Materials: cotton quilting fabric, muslin foundation 

Methods: stitch-and-flip improv piecing

Designed and made by Jill Huntington




Portland, Oregon, where I grew up and where I continue to call home, is affectionately called the City of Roses. It inspires much of my work. One of my favorite designs is the Rose Garden Ironing Board Cover made of individual rose blocks constructed using a stitch-and-flip improv method made on a muslin foundation.

While this cover can actually be ironed on, my intention for making it was for decorative purposes only. I don’t know about yours, but my regular ironing board cover is very unsightly being in constant use. So when I’m ready to iron, I take my beautiful Rose Garden cover off, so that I may continue to burn, stain, and overuse the ironing board cover lurking underneath. And every time I come into my quilting studio, my space looks a little prettier!

To make the design, I measured my ironing board, and then using grid paper, drew out the placement of individual blocks (4”, 6”, and 8” squares) approximating a 15” x 55” placement. Filler, scrappy improv blocks completed the layout. Once all the blocks were completed and assembled, I traced my ironing board shape on top, and cut it out.

The side was made by constructing a very long (125”) strip of fabric in the same scrappy improv method. While hemming this piece, I tucked a 1/2” braided elastic band into it, to form a tight hold onto my ironing board.

2nd place, Home Decor - Oregon State Fair, Salem, Oregon (September 2023)

1st Place, Home Accessory - Willamette Valley Quilt Festival, Albany, Oregon (January 2020)


© 2023-2025 Jill Huntington, Huntington Quilt Design, HQD 

All rights reserved. Please do not reproduce, sell, or commercialize in any form without permission.



